Tuesday, March 31, 2020


CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS OF MIDDLE EAR DISORDERS Essay Clinical DIAGNOSIS OF MIDDLE EAR DISORDERS Exploitation WIDEBAND ENERGY REFLECTANCE A Doctoral Thesis Presented to The Graduate College of Missouri State University In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Copyright 2008 by [ Alaaeldin Elsayed ] Clinical DIAGNOSIS OF MIDDLE EAR DISORDERS USING WIDEBAND ENERGY REFLECTANCE Communication Sciences and Disorders Abstraction Accurate diagnosing of in-between ear upsets in grownups and kids is a ambitious undertaking because of the complexness of disorders.A Wideband energy coefficient of reflection ( WBER ) technique provides simpleness and truth in naming in-between ear upsets across broad frequence range.A This research is spread outing the surveies of WBER to look into the in-between ear map in normal and pathological conditions of the in-between ear in grownups and kids. Findingss showed that WBER non merely can separate unnatural from normal in-between ear map but besides can qualify different in-between ear upsets in grownups and children.A Several specific WBER forms were established in a assortment of in-between ear upsets among grownups and kids that will assist in early diagnosing of such pathologies.A The ER form was including important higher Erbium in the kids control group than the grownup control group at 0.5 kilohertzs and 1 kilohertz, abnormally high or shallower in otosclerotic ears, ab normally low in ears with TM perforation and abnormally low ER with deep notch in ears with hypermobile TM.A In presence of negative middle-ear force per unit area, elevated ER at ambient force per unit area is besides expected.A Results besides showed that standard tympanometry was less sensitive in naming in-between ear upsets when compared to WBER particularly in otosclerotic instances. Further surveies are still required to formalize the clinical usage of ER in larger figure of persons with confirmed in-between ear upsets. We will write a custom essay sample on CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS OF MIDDLE EAR DISORDERS specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS OF MIDDLE EAR DISORDERS specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS OF MIDDLE EAR DISORDERS specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer KEYWORDS:A wideband energy coefficient of reflection, otosclerosis, otitis media with gush, eustachian tubing disfunction, tympanometry. This abstract is approved as to organize and content Wafaa Kaf, MD, MS, PhD Chairperson, Advisory Committee Missouri State Universit Clinical DIAGNOSIS OF MIDDLE EAR DISORDERS USING WIDEBAND ENERGY REFLECTANCETITLE OF THESIS By Alaaeldin Elsayed A Doctoral Thesis Submitted to the Graduate College Of Missouri State University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Doctorate, Audiology Recognitions I would wish to thank so many who encouraged me along this dissertation.A First and first, I am grateful to God for all his approvals. I am really thankful to Dr. Neil DiSarno for all his support and sort lovingness throughout my graduate school education.A A Further, I am so thankful to Dr. Wafaa Kaf, my doctorial adviser, for her counsel, encouragement, and support throughout this work. A In add-on, I would wish to demo grasp to my commission members for their helpful remarks and way for this dissertation.A Particular thanks besides to the module and secretarial staff of the Department of Communication Science and Disorders. Thankss to Dr. Walid Albohy, and Dr. Ahmad Alhag for their aid in roll uping informations for this survey. Particular thanks and grasp for my married woman Enass and my kids Mohamed and Nada, your love and delicious liquors has kept me traveling frontward. Dedication This work is dedicated To My beloved parents, My beloved Enass, Mohamed,andNothing , Who made all of this possible, for their eternal encouragement and forbearance. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Hearing mechanism and the in-between ear Sound transmittal. The hearing procedure includes the transmittal of sound energy through the audile canal to the tympanic membrane ( TM ) .A This sound energy consequences in quiver of the TM with an equal atmospheric force per unit area on both sides of the TM.A The mechanical quivers are, so, transmitted from the TM to the air-filled in-between ear infinite and bonelets ( hammer, anvil and stirrups ) , which farther amplify the sound energy and transmit it, via ellipse window, to the fluid-filled inner ear.A At the interior ear, the mechanical quiver is converted into electric moving ridges and transmitted as nervus signals that are interpreted by the encephalon as sounds. Mechanical belongingss of in-between ear.A The in-between ear is an air-filled pit that connects the outer ear canal to the maze of the interior ear. This connexion is established through the in-between ear ossicels-malleus, anvil and stirrups. The hammer is attached to the TM by its grip ; the anvil bone lies in the center between the hammer and the stirrups while the footplate of the stirrups is attached to the ellipse window of the interior ear.A The in-between ear pit is besides connected to the nasopharyngeal pit through the Eustachian tubing ( Musiek and Baran, 2007 ) . The Eustachian tubing is of import in keeping an equal force per unit area on both sides of the TM and airing of the in-between ear cavity.A The tubing besides drain the in-between ear into the nasopharynx ( Channell, 2008 ) . Figure 1 demonstrates conventional representation of the anatomy of the ear. When the sound force per unit area moves the TM the mallus and anvil accordingly travel together as one unit around a polar point.A In making so, both castanetss act as a lever ; the lever arm formed by the manubrium of the hammer is somewhat longer than that of the anvil ( about 1:1.3 ratio ) . In bend, the rotary motion of the long procedure of the anvil around its polar point leads to the dorsum and Forth ( piston-like ) motion of the stirrups footplate in the ellipse window of the interior ear.A The motion of the stirrups footplate is straight relative to the frequence and amplitude of the sound waves.A This path of sound transmittal is called the ossiculate path .A Acoustic path is another manner of conveying sound moving ridges straight from the TM and the ellipse window to the cochlea.A The direct acoustic stimulation of the ellipse and unit of ammunition Windowss, by go throughing the bonelets ( acoustic path ) , plays a portion in sound transmissionA A A In normal ears bot h mobs are working but the upper manus is for the ossiculate path ( Voss, Rosowski, Merchant, and Peake, 2007 ) . From the above information, it appears that the in-between ear dramas of import function in the hearing process.A The in-between ear chiefly helps to rectify the electric resistance mismatching between the air-filled in-between ear and the fluid-filled cochlea and to transform the acoustic energy at the TM into mechanical energy that will finally be transferred to the inner ear.A The Impedance fiting map of the in-between ear is carried out by three mechanisms: the lever action of the bonelets of the in-between ear, the country difference between the TM and the country of the stirrups footplate, and the buckling of the curved TM.A An result of these mechanisms is that the quiver obtained from the big country of the TM is focused to the much smaller egg-shaped window of the interior ear ( 21:1 country ratio ) , ensuing in a differential force per unit area between the ellipse window connected to scala vestibuli and the unit of ammunition window connected to the scala tympani.A This fo rce per unit area derived function is critical in maximising the flow of sound energy and activation of the cochlear constructions ( Cummingss, 2004 ) .A Consequently, in-between ear upsets are expected to impact the normal transmittal of sound, ensuing in conductive hearing loss ( discussed below ) . An illustration of the anatomical construction of External, Middle and Inner ear.A Modified from Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia: Ear anatomy . In add-on to rectifying the electric resistance mismatch between the air-filled in-between ear and the fluid-filled cochlea, the in-between ear besides protects the interior ear from loud sound via the acoustic reflex.A This chiefly occurs as a consequence of automatic contraction of the two in-between ear musculuss, the tensor kettle and the stapedius, in response to loud sound taking to increased stiffness of the oscicular concatenation, and therefore diminished sound transmittal ( Allen, Jeng, and Levitt, 2005 ) .A Given that the acoustic physiological reaction chiefly decreases the transmittal of low frequence sounds therefore, it improves speech favoritism in loud, low-frequency noisy environments.A Unfortunately, the physiological reaction does non protect the ear against unprompted sounds as gun shootings due to drawn-out latency in musculus contraction ( Lynch, Peake, and Rosowski, 1994 ) . Pathophysiology of in-between ear upsets To further understand the pathology of in-between ear upsets, it is of import to see the center ear system as a vibrating mechanical system.A Such a system is composed of three elements: mass, stiffness, and friction.A When the mass and stiffness constituents are equal, alleged resonating frequence of the in-between ear, it is expected that the amplitude of quiver of the in-between ear is at maximum.A On the other manus, when there is an addition in the mass without alteration in stiffness or clash the resonating frequence is lowered and the amplitude of quiver is lowered at frequences above the resonating frequency.A In contrast, when there is an addition in the stiffness constituent of the in-between ear the resonating frequence additions and the magnitude of quiver reduces for frequences below the resonating frequence ( Roeser, Valente, and Hosford-Dunn, 2000 ) . In-between Ear Disorders are a variable group of pathological conditions that includes, for illustration, in-between ear infection ( Otitis Media with Effusion: OME ) , chronic otitis media with perforation of the TM, Eustachian Tube Dysfunction ( ETD ) , ossiculate break or disruption and or/ otosclerosis.A Such in-between ear upsets may take to conductive hearing loss due to their effects on mass, stiffness, and/or clash elements of the normal in-between ear. Perforated TM is induced by chronic otitis media or injury to the ear. As a consequence, the normal construction and the map of the TM are altered. The grade of hearing loss is straight related to the size of the perforation ( Voss et al. , 2000 ) A The perforation leads to equalisation of force per unit area on both sides of the membrane which accordingly leads to perturbation of the ossiculate path and hearing loss ( Voss et al. , 2000 ) . Normally the inward motion of the stirrups is followed by an outward motion at the unit of ammunition window ( push and draw mechanism ) . In the presence of TM perforation, this push and draw mechanism of the bonelets is disturbed and the sound waves energy making the ellipse window is reduced. Ossicular disruption normally follows a violent injury to caput or as a effect of chronic otitis media and/or cholesteatoma. Disarticulation of the incudostapedial jointA due to traffic accident was the most common pathlogy of ossiculate break ( Yetiser s, 2008 ) .A With the exclusion break due to chronic otitis media, the disruption of the bonelets may or may non be accompanied by TM rupture. The hurt consequences in loss of the electric resistance fiting mechanism of the in-between ear and a conductive hearing loss of about 40-60 dubnium ( Merchant, Ravicz, and Rosowski, 1997 ) . Otosclerosis is a progressive disease of bone reabsorption and reformation that affects castanetss derived from the auricular capsule.A The etiology of the disease is non to the full understood.A The disease leads to osteodystrophy and arrested development of the stirrups in the egg-shaped window.A Among the most recognized eatiological factors is familial factors and viral infection.A Otosclerosis is characterized clinically by progressive hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness ( Menger and Tange, 2003 ) .A Both conductive and centripetal nervous hearing loss has been reported in otosclerotic patients ( Ramsay and Linthicum, 1994 ) .A Otosclerosis may impact the cochlea and other parts of the maze every bit good ( Menger and Tange, 2003 ) .A The ensuing arrested development of the footplate of the stirrups leads to increased stiffness of the ossicular concatenation early in the disease. Increased stiffness of the in-between ear affects the transmittal of low frequence sounds. At ulter ior phases of the disease, the bone starts to turn adding a mass consequence. This addition in mass of the in-between ear affects the transmittal of high frequence sounds every bit good ( Shahnaz and Polka, 1997 ) . More upsets include inflammatory conditions of the in-between ear such as otitis media ( OM ) and media with gush ( OME ) , chronic otitis media, and cholesteatoma.A OM normally consequences from upper respiratory infections or allergic reactions that lead to obstructor of the Eustachian tubing ( Channell, 2008 ) .A As a effect, negative force per unit area develops in the in-between ear ensuing in earache due to stretching of the TM and mild hearing loss due to the increased stiffness of in-between ear conveying mechanism.A If the negative force per unit area inside the in-between ear is non relieved, a transudation accumulates inside the in-between ear. The status is so called OME. The hearing is farther affected by the mass- clash consequence. The grade of hearing loss depends on the type and the sum of the transudation. The combination of fluid and force per unit area in the in-between ear was found to cut down TM motion at the umbo by 17 dubnium over the audile frequence scope ( Dai, Wood, and Gan, 2008 ) . In-between ear map steps Tuning fork proving. The tuning fork testing is one of the traditionally used qualitative hearing tests.A They are used to analyze the conductive constituent of hearing loss ( external or in-between ear pathology ) .A Several trials have been descried including: Rinne, Schwabach, Bing, and Weber tests.A For Rinne trial, the vibrating tuning fork is held against the skull, normally on the mastoid procedure bone behind the ear to do quivers through the castanetss of the skull and interior ear.A To do quivers in the air next to the ear, the vibrating fork is so held following to, but non affecting, the ear.A In the trial the patient is asked to find if the sound heard through the bone is louder or that heard through the air.A The consequences of the trial are categorized as positive, negative, or equivocal.A A negative Rinne trial is indicated when the sound is heard louder by bone conductivity than by air conductivity which suggests a conductive constituent of the hearing loss.A Although Rinne trial was found to be extremely specific in one survey ; the same writer has suggested that it should be carried out merely as a battalion up trial forA pure tone audiology in audiological rating of hearing loss ( Browning and Swan, 1988 ; Thijs and Leffers, 1989 ) .A The Schwabach tuning fork t rial compares patient s bone conductivity to the normal tester. Bing tuning fork trials determines the presence or absence of the occlusion effect.A Weber tunning fork trial determines the type of a one-sided hearing loss.A While Rinne trial compares air conductivity to cram conductivity in the same patient.A Although the tuning fork testing is easy and dependable ; it is still a subjective trial that depends on the response of the patient and the grade of hearing loss.A Additional drawbacks are that tuning fork testing is a qualitative and non a quantitative trial, and does non name the etiology of the conductive hearing loss. Pure-tone Audiometry. Pure-tone Audiometry is a behavioural trial that measures hearing threshold.A The trial has been used to name type and grade of hearing loss for more than one hundred old ages. During trial scene, the patient is subjected to different tones to prove the hearing mechanisms via air-conduction and bone conduction.A Typically, the normal degree of pure tone audiogram air and bone conductivity will lie between 0-15 dubnium HL for kids and 0-25 dubnium HL for adults.A Harmonizing to Northern and Downs ( 1991 ) , the grade of hearing loss can be classified in grownups as ( 0-25 dubnium HL ) within normal bounds, Mild ( 26-40 dubnium HL ) , Moderate ( 41- 55 dubnium HL ) , Moderate-Severe ( 56-70 ) , Severe ( 71-90 dubnium HL ) or Profound ( 91 + dubnium HL ) hearing loss.A In kids it is classified as normal ( 0-15 dubnium HL ) , Slight ( 15-25 dubnium HL ) , Mild ( 25-30 dubnium HL ) , Moderate ( 30-50 dubnium HL ) , Severe ( 50-70 dubnium HL ) , Profound ( 70 + dubnium HL ) hearing loss.A This categorization is applied to PTA of 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz ( Roeser et al, A 2000 ) .A Different types of hearing loss are interpreted by comparing air conductivity thresholds to cram conductivity thresholds.A When the air conductivity threshold elevated to a maximal around 60-70 dubnium HL in the presence of normal bone conductivity threshold, this type of hearing loss is called conductive hearing loss.A In sensorineural hearing loss the pure tone audiogram shows both air and bone conductivity thresholds are elevated and with a 10 dubnium HL or less in between.A Mixed hearing loss shows lift in both air and bone conductivity thresholds, but with the bone conductivity threshold at better strengths than the air conductivity by 10 dubniums HL or more.A In both conductive and assorted hearing loss, the difference in air and bone conductivity thresholds is called air-bone spread ; and it represents the sum of conductive hearing loss nowadays ( Roeser et al, A 2000 ) . The usage of pure-tone audiology provides quantitative information sing the grade and type of hearing loss.A However, it does non name the cause of hearing loss and can non be used in babies, immature kids, and difficult-to-test subject.A Mannina ( 1997 ) reported that the diagnosing of in-between ear upsets in school-aged kids is less efficient when utilizing pure-tone audiology alone.A To better the diagnosing of in-between ear upset, Yockel ( 2001 ) demonstrated that the add-on of tympanometry to audiology does better the diagnosing of OME than utilizing audiology entirely. Measuring Middle ear map is a really of import measure in early diagnosing and intervention of conductive hearing loss.A Since the normally used subjective trials, the tuning-fork and pure tone audiology, can non place the etiology of underlying in-between ear disease, other nonsubjective steps such as acoustic immittance are needed for differential diagnosing and accurate diagnosing of specific in-between ear upsets. Acoustic Immittance. Several nonsubjective measurings of in-between ear map have been developed over the last four decades.A Various anatomical constructions of the in-between ear represent composite web system that affects the sound presented to the ear.A Not all the sound represented to the in-between ear is delivered to the cochlea, but some of the power is absorbed by the bony construction of the in-between ear ( Zwislocki, 1982 ) .A Acoustic Immittance utilizing tympanometry assess the in-between ear position by mensurating the transmitted sound energy to the in-between ear. Acoustic Immittance provides nonsubjective information about the mechanical transportation map in the outer and in-between ear.A Acoustic Immittance is defined, as the speed with which an objects moves in relative to an applied force, while Acoustic Impedance ( Za ) is the resistance offered by in-between ear and the TM to the flow of energy.A Mathematically acoustic entree ( Ya ) of a system is the reciprocal of impedance.A Acoustic Immittance refers jointly to acoustic entree, acoustic electric resistance or both ( Tympanometry. ASHA Working Group on Aural Acoustic-Immittance Measurements Committee on Audiologic Evaluation , 1988 ) .A Research workers have found that abnormalcies in the in-between ear transmittal might be reflected in the acoustic status of the TM ( Allen et al, 2005 ) .A Acoustic Immittance can be measured to individual probe-tone frequence ( individual frequence tympanometry ) or to series of multiple investigation frequences ( multifrequency tympanometry ) . Single frequence tympanometry. Tympanometry is one of the earliest nonsubjective methods used to measure in-between ear function.A Tympanometry measures the acoustic immittance of the in-between ear as a map of altering the air force per unit area in the ear canal.A A individual investigation tone tympanometry is the conventional step of in-between ear map in response to low frequence investigation tone, 226 Hz, under changing inactive air pressure.A A Evaluation of the acoustic immittance of normal and different in-between ear upsets was done by Otto Metz, 1946, and confirmed subsequently by Feldman, 1963 ( Katz, 2009 ) In 1970, James Jerger began to integrate immittance measuring into the everyday audiological evaluation.A Jerger classified tympanograms as type A, B, or C depending on the form of the tympanogram ( with or without extremum ) and location of the extremum when nowadays. Type A is the normal tympanogram with the extremum at or near the atmospheric force per unit area ( +25 to -100 daPa ) . Type A is farther divided into subtypes Ad and As for high and low peaked type A tympanograms severally ( Feldman, 1976 ) .A Type B tympanogram has no extremum and relates to middle ear gush, infection with normal ear canal volume, or due to big TM perforation with big ear canal volume.A Type C is a negatively shifted tympanogram that reflects Eustachian tubing disfunction, a precursor of serous OM, largely evolved from type B ( Katz, 2009 ) . Since 1970, individual frequence Tympanometry is the conventional clinical center ear step because it is a non-invasive, nonsubjective, and inexpensive index of many in-between ear pathologies in kids and adults.A Unfortunately, low frequence investigation tone tympanometry has high false negatives in babies younger than seven months ( Holte, Margolis, and Cavanaugh, 1991 ) . This is explained by the motion of the baby s ear canal wall with force per unit area alterations in the external ear canal due to immatureness of the cadaverous portion of the external auditory canal.A In add-on, tympanometry was found to be comparatively insensitive to many lesions that affect the ossiculate concatenation of the in-between ear ( Lilly, 1984 ) .A Furthermore, Keefe and Levi ( 1996 ) reported false positive tympanometry consequences compared to energy coefficient of reflection, a recent in-between ear map measure.A They found normal in-between ear energy coefficient of reflection at higher frequ ences in babies with level low investigation tone tympanometry.A A A A A A A A A A A A A Multifrequency tympanometry. Multifrequency TympanometryA ( MFT ) , which was foremost introduced by Colletti in 1976, measures in-between ear electric resistance utilizing multiple frequence investigation tones runing from 226-Hz to 500 HzA and up to 2000 Hz ( Colletti,1976 ) .A Similar to old treatment about the three elements of the mechanical system of the in-between ear, entree of the in-between ear has three constituents: stiffness ( compliant susceptance ) , aggregate susceptance and conductance ( opposition ) . A tympanometric form was developed by Vanhuyse and co-workers in 1975 that helped in construing the underlying in-between ear pathology utilizing MFT.A The Vanhuyse tympanometric form is based on the premise of the forms and locations of reactance ( X ) and opposition ( R ) tympanograms.A Using a transition equation the theoretical account can foretell the forms of susceptance ( B ) and conductance ( G ) tympanograms.A Vanhuyse et Als proposed four normal forms: 1B1G, 3B1G, 3B3G, and 5B3G as shown in Figure 2. 1B1G form is the normal tympanogram with a one susceptance ( B ) and one conductance ( G ) peak.A It occurs when reactance ( X ) is negative and its absolute value is greater than opposition ( R ) at all force per unit area used ( the ear stiffness is controlled ) .A As the investigation frequence increases the curve becomes more complex and notched. 3BIG theoretical account has three extremums of susceptance ( B ) and one conductance ( G ) peak.A It represent negative reactanc e ( X ) with an absolute value greater than opposition ( R ) at low force per unit area and smaller than opposition ( R ) at high pressure.A The 3rd theoretical account ( 3B3G ) appears when the ear is mass-controlled. In 3B3G theoretical account the reactance is positive and less than opposition ( X lt ; R ) at low force per unit area and negative at high force per unit area. 5B3G pattern occurs when the reactance is positive and greater than opposition ( X gt ; R ) at low force per unit area and going negative at high force per unit area ( Margolis, Saly, and Keefe, 1999 ) . Figure 2. A in writing presentation of the theoretical account presented by Vanhuyse, Creten and Van Camp ( 1975 ) .A The opposition ( R ) , negative opposition ( -R ) and the reactance ( X ) tympanograms is shown in the upper left corner of each panel.A Negative R is shown to compare the magnitude of the reactance X.A The corresponding entree ( Y ) , ( lower left corner ) , susceptance ( B ) , ( upper right corner ) and conductance ( G ) , ( lower right corner ) are besides shown in each panel.A Four forms are presented and classified harmonizing to the figure of extreme point in the susceptance B and conductance G tympanograms.A The form ( 1B1G ) in panel one shows both susceptance and conductance have individual extreme point and reactance is negative.A The form ( 3B1G ) in panel two shows conductance G is individual peaked with three extreme points in susceptance B, reactance Ten is still negative but its absolute value is greater than opposition at high pressure.A The form ( 3B3G ) in pan el three shows three extreme point in susceptance B, conductance G, and entree Y tympanograms, reactance Y is positive but less than opposition R.A The form ( 5B3G ) in panel four shows five extreme point in susceptance B tympanogram and three extreme point in conductance G, and entree Y tympanograms, reactance Y is positive and greater than opposition R at low force per unit area. Because of the usage of mensurating in-between ear map to several investigation tone frequence, MFT is considered superior to individual frequence tympanometry in observing high electric resistance pathological conditions of the in-between ear such as in-between ear gush, otosclerosis, and cholesteatoma.A Such pathological conditions were non detected by conventional tympanometry ( Colletti, 1976, Keefe and Levi, 1996, Shahnaz et al 2009 ) .A Several surveies have shown that MFT has higher sensitiveness and specificity in observing in-between ear pathologies such as TM mass or adhesions ( Margolis, Schachern, and Fulton, 1998 ) .A Besides, MFT is more sensitive than individual frequence tympanometry in placing normal and unnatural in-between ear status in newborns ( Shahnaz, Miranda, and Polka, 2008 ) .A However, MFT is of limited clinical usage for several grounds: long proving clip, limited frequence scope, and undependable informations above 1000 Hz ( AllenA et al, A 2005 ) .A The usage of wideband energy coefficient of reflection is shown to turn to the above restrictions of MFT. Wideband energy coefficient of reflection. The wideband energy coefficient of reflection ( WBER ) is a new technique that has been introduced late to measure in-between ear disfunction ( Keefe, Ling, and Bulen, 1992 ) .A Simply the thought of WBER is that incident sound to the ear is transmitted through the ear canal and TM, some of this sound energy is absorbed through the in-between ear and cochlea and portion of it is reflected back ( Figure 3 ) .A The energy coefficient of reflection ( ER ) is defined as the square magnitude of force per unit area coefficient of reflection AÂ ¦R ( degree Fahrenheit )AÂ ¦2, which represents the ratio of the sound energy reflected from the TM to the incident sound energy at frequence (degree Fahrenheit) .A ER ratio ranges from one to zero ( 1.0 = all incident sound energy is reflected, and 0.0 = all sound energy is absorbed ) ( Allen et al, A 2005 ) .A ER is an index of the in-between ear power to reassign sound ( Feeney, Grant, and Marryott, 200 3 ) . Energy coefficient of reflection ( ER ) measurers middle ear map over a broad set of frequences ( 0.2- 8 kilohertz ) .A ER is the ratio of the reflected energy ( ruddy pointer ) to the incident energy ( xanthous pointer ) .A When all incident sound energy is reflected back ER ratio peers one.A When all incident sound energy is absorbed ER peers zero.A Red pointer represents reflected sound energy ; xanthous pointer represents incident sound energy ; green pointer represent absorbed sound energy.A Modified from Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia: Ear anatomy . WBER measures in-between ear map utilizing a chirp stimulation at 65 dubnium SPL over a broad frequence scope, typically 0.2 to 8 kilohertzs and at fixed ambient force per unit area ( Feeney et al, 2003 ) .A Normative information has shown that most incident acoustic power is reflected back to the ear canal ( ER ratio closes to 1 ) at frequence scope below 1 kilohertzs or above 10 kilohertz that besides show hapless hearing threshold or at frequences below 1 kilohertzs and above 4 kilohertz ( less efficient in-between ear map ) ( Keefe, Bulen, Arehart, and Burns, 1993 ) .A More specifically, 50 % of the acoustic power is transmitted to the in-between ear between 1-5 kilohertz frequence scope, bespeaking that the most effectual in-between ear transportation map ( ER is at its lowest values, closer to one ) occurs around 1-5 kilohertz ( Allen et al, A 2005 ; Keefe et Al, 1993 ; Schairer, Ellison, Fitzpatrick, and Keefe, 2007 ) .A WBER has been used in mensurating normal in-between ear map and in-between ear upsets utilizing ambient force per unit area ( Allen et al, A 2005 ; Feeney et Al, A 2003 ; Shahnaz et al. , 2009 ) .A In other surveies the research workers used force per unit area to mensurate the acoustic stapedial physiological reaction ( Feeney and Sanford, 2005 ; Schairer et Al, A 2007 ) .A Development of the in-between ear in babies was besides investigated utilizing WBER ( Keefe and Abdala, 2007 ; Keefe e Al, 1993 ; Keefe and Levi, 1996 ) . Wideband energy coefficient of reflection in neonatal showing Keefe et Al. ( 1993 ) and Keefe and Levi ( 1996 ) reported that the acoustic response belongingss of the external and in-between ear varies significantly over the first 2 old ages of life.A These alterations, largely physical alterations, are responsible for the mass-dominant baby s in-between ear system with lower resonant frequency.A The chief constituents of this mass-dominant consequence is the pars flaccida of the TM, ossicles, and perilymph in the cochlea ( Van Camp, Margolis, Wilson, Creten, and Shanks, 1986 ) . The mesenchyme in baby s in-between ear may add to the mass consequence ( Meyer, Jardine, and Deverson, 1997 ) . This is wholly in contrast to adult s in-between ear, which is a stiffness-dominant system at low frequence ( Holte et al, 1991 ; Keefe and Levi, 1996 ) . The TM, sinews and ligaments, the infinite between the mastoid and the in-between ear pit, and the viscousness of the perilymph and the mucose liner of the in-between ear pit constitute the stiffness const ituent of the in-between ear ( Van Camp, Margolis, Wilson, Creten, and Shanks, 1986 ) . Recently, Shahnaz ( 2008 ) have compared MFT and WBER findings between normal grownups and normal-hearing newborns in the neonatal intensive attention units ( NICU ) , who passed the neonatal hearing testing test.A The research worker found maximal soaking up ofA the incident energy at narrower scope of frequenciesA ( 1.2 2.7 kilohertz ) in normal babes compared to grownups ( 2.8 4.8 kilohertz ) ( Shahnaz, 2008 ; Shahnaz et Al, 2008 ) .A This preliminary normative informations from 49 neonatal ears reflects the possible diagnostic benefits of the WBER trial in observing in-between ear gush in newborns. Wideband energy coefficient of reflection in otosclerosis A A A Although the chief unequivocal di

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Isopod Behavior Lab Report Essay Example

Isopod Behavior Lab Report Essay Example Isopod Behavior Lab Report Paper Isopod Behavior Lab Report Paper While the same animal my not wanting to eat something that is not sugary or sweet like peas. Every organism acts different, especially when a stimulus is affecting them. While other times the organism can do something for no reason, well at least to our knowledge. Relationships also can be a factor on how organisms act, most likely being aggressive or submissive. For example, male crocodiles will fight each other for a mate; this is showing their aggressive side. After one of the cross has won the fight, the female crop will be submissive towards him to show dominance. This shows how they can act because of a relationship. Another example is people and the weather, which is a stimulus. People who like mild to hot temperatures will most likely go outside to do things. While people who dont like the cold temperatures will do things inside, just so they dont go outside. This shows how a stimulus can affect an organisms behavior and what they do. Hypothesis: For my hypothesis I wrote, If the pill bugs are in the Petri dish with the other chemicals then they will go to the filter paper where the sugar is more so then the other filter paper that has chemicals on it. I choose this hypothesis for many reasons. First off, I know that most organisms, bugs, insects, etc Eke sweet and sugary tasting things. I know this because I always see ants in my kitchen trying to get to the sugar rather then anything else. I know the pill bugs will not like the vinegar because most bugs will not go for vinegar. This goes the same with salt. I also thought about the water, this would be my second choice for my hypothesis. As I was writing my hypothesis, I also tried to tie it to me as well. I personally favor sugar over the others, next would be water, then salt, and last but not least vinegar. Using my personal taste, I was better able to make my decision on my hypothesis. Materials: 4 pill Bugs Petri Dish Pieces of Filter Paper Pen or pencil Dropper Clock Water Salt Solution Sugar Solution Vinegar Notebook (egg. Data-table) Scissors Something sturdy to cover the Petri dish Teacher You Procedures: Procedure 1: 1 Petri dish was placed on top of table. A dry piece of filter paper was centered into Petri dish. Four pill bugs were placed into the Petri dish; the Petri dish was covered with an index card then a stack of post-it notes was placed on top of the index cards. The pill bugs behavior was observed for 5 minutes, data was gathered and written on the paper. No human influence had any affect on the pill bugs behavior. Procedure 2: One piece of circular filter paper was taken and cut into 4 equal sections. The 4 sections of filter paper were then assigned and labeled with a letter from A D. The chemicals were collected, which were water, salt solution, sugar solution and vinegar. Using a dropper, 5 10 drops of each solution were placed on a separate piece of filter paper. Then the filter paper with the solutions on it was placed in the Petri dish, 4 pill bugs were then added into the Petri dish. The pill bugs behavior was observed and recorded over the course of 5 minutes by recording how many pill bugs would go n each piece of filter paper in 30-second intervals. After that the pill bugs were returned to their home, the filter paper and the lab station were cleaned. Data / Observations: TIME A = WATER B = SUGAR c = SALT D = VINEGAR IN BETWEEN ALTERS Start O Seconds 4 30 2 1 Minute Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes 5 Minutes Total For Each Solution 11 15 10 8 Over the course of our lab, our group collected lots of data from the pill bugs behavior. At the beginning of our lab we had placed the pill bugs in the Petri dish with dry filter paper and we observed their behavior. The pill bugs were going round the inside rim of Petri in circles following each other, almost as if it were a game of tag. The pill bugs never seemed to stop moving, flipping over and were constantly climbing. Some of the pill bugs even tried to escape from the Petri dish, but our group was quick to make that didnt happen. As our lab went on, we placed the 4 different pieces of filter paper with solutions on them and then added 4 pill bugs to it. We collected lots of information during this procedure. This table represents how many pill bugs were on each slice of filter paper, that had a different solution on each of them, over 30 second intervals lasting 5 minutes. This is what were recorded our data on for this part of the lab. Conclusions: The purpose of our experiment was to observe the behavior of the pill bugs. We were trying to find exactly whether the pill bugs would be attracted or repelled by the chemicals. The chemicals used were vinegar, water, salt solution and a sugar solution. By placing strips of filter paper with the solutions on it into a Petri dish and then adding the pill bugs did attract and repel the pill bugs. This experiment would show whether the pill bugs would be attracted to one or some of the 4 chemicals in Petri dish. This experiment was relevant to the topic because the pill bugs would show some kind of different behavior, which is what the topic was related to because the topic was that some animals behave in different ways, especially to a stimulus. From the experiment I learned that the pill bugs behavior did change when the chemicals were added to the Petri dish. From the data that we recorded in the chart it showed that the pill bugs like to go to the sugar solution the most. This does not surprise me because I thought the pill bugs would be most likely to go to the sugar solution. I thought this because most animals would chose meeting that is sugary and sweet, so tied this into the experiment and this is also how I formed my hypothesis. Next came the water solution that the pill bugs liked. Then, came the salt solution. Then, came the in between filter. Finally, came the vinegar solution. This does not surprise me that the pill bugs like the vinegar solution because I know ants dont like vinegar, so I thought the pill bugs would be the same. These results fully support my hypothesis about the experiment. Through this experiment my hypothesis was proven correct. My original hypothesis was, If the pill bugs are introduced to the chemicals, then the pill USGS will most likely go to the sugar solution rather then go to the others. I then looked at the results of my experiment and it showed that the pill bugs liked the sugar solution the most. This alone proves that my hypothesis is correct. I believe the accuracy and precision in my results is 100% correct. I believe this to be valid because I ensured there were no errors made during the experiment. Even though there was a lot of room for error I made sure that it didnt happen. This experiment could have been revised, as there should have been a bigger Petri dish or something larger to hold the pill bugs in. This way more solutions could eave been used like the same 4 chemicals just more slides of them. This would show more accurately that they really did like the sugar; this would eliminate any one saying that it was a fluke, that the pill bugs liked the sugar. I also think more pill bugs should have been added. I think that this would allow for more room for accuracy and precision in the experiment. From the experiment I learned that pill bugs are very interesting organisms. I had a lot of fun doing the experiment. I learned that out of a sugar solution, a salt solution, vinegar and water, that the pill bugs will choose the sugar solution the most. I also learned from this experiment that an experiment can always be redone and that it will show more accurate results. Before this experiment I always thought that one experiment could be good enough for 100% accuracy. Then, I thought about this experiment and I realized that this experiment could be better done. I also learned that pill bugs also like to climb on top of each other. This was interesting to me because I never thought they would do that because, you dont see people or elephants climbing top of each other. These are some facts that I learned from the lab. In conclusion, the experiment showed the behavior of the pill bugs when Heimlich were introduced.